To promote greater awareness of water conservation in southern Alberta, a walk is planned from the Saskatchewan border to the headwaters of the Oldman River July 13 to July 28.
The Castle Special Place has suffered heavy degradation over the years and only designation as a Wildland Provincial Park can offer the protection that is needed.
Public input indicates that the majority of stakeholders are willing to adjust their recreational use of the mountain parks to meet Parks' caribou conservation efforts.
The Greater Bragg Creek Trails Association's second annual fundraiser, Tunes for Trails, will take place Saturday, April 27th, at the Bragg Creek Community Centre.
Forty years in the making, the National Hiking Trail is still several disconnected strands of trail, which Campbell envisions one day will include 10,000 kilometres of well-maintained trails free of motorized-vehicles.
Workshops on the possibility of opening Jasper's backcountry in the winter for recreational users are being held in Edmonton and Jasper the last week of February.
Between 11 and 14 December 2012, the Canadian Mountain Studies Initiative (CMSI) at the University of Alberta will host its first interdisciplinary conference to explore how mountains are understood.
Months of public objections to Environment and Sustainable Development's FireSmart logging plan and pressure on the government to listen to the West Bragg Creek trail users have paid off.
Another disastrous meeting regarding logging in West Bragg Creek and the resultant destruction of recreational trails was held on 25 September, this time with Minister Diane McQueen in attendance.