Organizational Member: Canmore Seniors Association (Meanderthals)

The Meanderthals are a hiking group within the Canmore Seniors Association. The group was formed in 1993 after several seniors wishing to hike, but not alone, joined together to hike in our mountain surroundings. The initial members numbered 15, but over the last several years, the number has grown to over 300 seniors. Current membership in the CSA is required before participating in a Meanderthals hike or event, and to be aware of the Hiking Protocol found on website: Hike and Group Ratings: A: For the fast hiker who likes to reach their destination quickly. These hikes are usually longer (10-30 km), with a greater elevation gain (1,000m being typical). A+: An A hike that is extra-long or has extra elevation gain, and may contain some exposure or other challenges. A hike at a B pace: Usually similar elevation gain and distance as an A hike, just a little slower. B: For the hiker who prefers a little slower pace in order to spend more time on, for example, photography, or flower identification. Distance 10-20 km, elevation gain of 750m is typical. B hike at a C pace: Same elevation gain and distance as a B hike. 

Town: Canmore

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