Northern Lights Walking Club is centered in Leduc and coordinates twice weekly walks across the region. The region includes: Wetaskiwin, Millet, Beaumont, Camrose, south Edmonton and Leduc.
There are two options for attendees, a longer route (usually 10km) and a shorter route (usually 5km). Route instructions are available and there are leaders for the groups.
In addition to being a walking club, we are a social club. A social visit takes place after walks, weather permitting. And we have twice a year “night at the Mayfield Dinner Theatre”.
Other social events include our annual pizza walk and annual Halloween walk and of course a Christmas lunch and walk. We have fun would be a good motto for our group which consists of over 100 members! Walk attendance really varies but an average turnout would be 20-25 walkers.
We do these northern lights walks every Thursday and Sunday. Occasional we move the Sunday one to Saturday. From time to time, we walk Elk Island. We had a midnight walk planned for Yellowknife in 2020 but due to covid it was cancelled, and we hope to reschedule pending member interest.
Membership is $10 plus $2/walk or $60 and all walks are included. For more information, please contact David at
Oh by way, our Alberta site is: Our national site is: